Playtesting & Feedback
Focus groups are among the most influential and popular market research methods available and, in recent years, have become increasingly popular with developers and publishers. Gamers know what they want out of the games they play. This type of focused testing provides the opportunity to test your games on knowledgeable and discerning users representing your core target demographic. Not only does this provide critical feedback in advance of release; it gives you a first-hand opportunity to determine how the audience will respond to your game’s various elements. It is an invaluable insight into your players’ thought processes and how they react to your game not just as a creative endeavour but as an interactive, dynamic product. Our testing team brings a fresh outlook to each game they test, their years of experience, allowing them to focus on the key factors they know to be most important to gamers. Their attention to detail ensures your game receives the valued feedback it needs to hone it to perfection.

Keep your development on the right track
Check out some of the highlights of our Playtesting & Feedback Services.
- Online focus groups
- In-person play testing
- Event management for in person sessions
- Demographic and cohort analysis